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Fixed Appliances


The tubes into which the intraoral arch of the face mask enters are soldered on the buccal surfaces in the premolar region of the acrylic cap splint appliance. It is applied in anterior open bite cases where the upper jaw is enlarged and positioned sagittally behind.


It is applied to ensure distalization by using special titanium springs in the intraoral molar region 


It is an anchorage device applied to prevent mesial drift of the molars. It can be applied as fixed or mobile.


It is used for retention after expansion or derotation of molars. It can be applied movably through the cleats on the palatal surfaces of the bands.


It is applied to prevent tongue and finger sucking habits. The wires in the palate area extend to the lingual of the lower incisors.


It is applied for dental or skeletal expansion in the early period. It can also be prepared as a mobile device by soldering to the palatal surfaces of the bands.


They are fixed appliances that are soldered to the bands placed on the molar teeth, which are generally used to prevent loss of anchorage.

They are fixed appliances that are soldered to the bands placed on the molar teeth, which are generally used to prevent loss of anchorage.



The tubes into which the intraoral arch of the face mask enters were soldered on the buccal surfaces in the premolar region of the acrylic cap splint appliance. It is applied in anterior open bite cases where the upper jaw is enlarged and positioned sagittally behind.

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